In Bloom 2024 Jingmai Raw Puer



There are floral teas, and there are Floral teas. This one squarely falls in the latter category, with a strong orchid scent that lingers. With a dense flavour and nice huigan, this is an excellent daily drinker with a strong prescence.

This mixed picking tea mostly consists of smaller tree material from a clean, well-maintained environment. However, the addition of pickings from some of the big trees growing in the same area allow for extra depth of flavour and elegance, while keeping the price affordable.

Region: Dapingzhang, Jingmai, Simao Prefecture
Picking Period: March 20-26

Many of our samples for spring 2024 are in dragon ball form. While these balls will perform the same as the cake, they can be slightly trickier to brew. Here’s how we do it:

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Weight N/A

4 reviews for In Bloom 2024 Jingmai Raw Puer

  1. 4 out of 5


    Sweet and toasty, floral and slightly fruity—like light tropical fruits. A very well-balanced and dynamic tea. The bitterness is very pleasant and instantly turns into a sweet huigan. However, after about 4 steeps it begins to fall flat. If you’re going for a daily drinker that won’t be steeped more than 3–4 times, this is a 5/5! But, more than 4 steeps might leave you wanting.

  2. 4 out of 5

    Billy Galvez

    Good flavor, easy to brew, and not very astringent. Very sweet and floral. Very good option for short sesions

  3. 4 out of 5

    Alexandra Verville-Paris

    Surprise fruit punch flavours added in the middle of the session!
    //Smell : 90’ perfumed teen stationery, floral and sweet, clean house, brewed strawberry
    //Texture: Instant tongue covering, tingling of the teeth, thick and silky texture
    //Taste : Strong aunt’s potpourri smell, flowery icing, astringent, wet and cold rock, zesty water
    //Body sensation: Heat, intense heartbeat, sweat, tired eyes, dizzy head

  4. 4 out of 5

    Sofus Sverressønn Finne (verified owner)

    Very good tea for the price. Calming, very good taste. Does get bitter quite quickly, so I prefer shorter brews.

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