Night & Day 2024 Black & White Tea Blend



Now in its second iteration, this blend of shaihong (sun dried) black tea and white tea is comprised solely of Jinggu material this time around, with much different (arguably better) results.

This year’s pressing maintains a similarly agile balance between the two types of tea, taking advantage of these teas’ strong fragrance and flavour, but with some added depth and texture.

The most notable feature of this tea is a strong dark cherry note, followed by a slight herbal/licorice quality in the back.

These types of blends tend to create and interesting experience that shifts brew to brew, and this tea is no exception. In the long term we expect the flavours to meld, although it can be hard to know exactly what to expect, as these blends tend to go through phases. As time moves on, one tea often makes up for the other’s awkward or quieter time and vice versa.

Although experimental in nature, this tea’s budget beating price makes it low risk, high reward.


Additional information

Weight N/A


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